Our personal care services help you with those daily activities which you are unable to undertake for yourself due to illness, disability or frailty, no matter what your age. We provide quality personal care services by experienced and qualified staff, who understand your needs & have access to on-call managers 24/7.
- service at the time you prefer wherever possible
- in home care
- matching of staff skills to your needs
- rosters forwarded by email each week so you know which worker to expect
- consistent, regular staff who know your routine
- family owned and operated coast locals 15 yrs +
- local, flexible, compassionate care
Before we commence services, we will develop an individualized plan in consultation with you, your family members and any health professionals involved in your care e.g. occupational therapist, physiotherapist, your GP.
Your individual support plan will be developed by assessing your needs and checking the activities you require assistance with. Your initial assessment will also involve a safety check of your home to ensure our staff can work safely to meet your needs.
Once the support plan is completed you will be asked to approve the plan to ensure it will meet your needs. Our staff will then provide your support by following the guidelines and specific instructions on your plan - which will include a step by step routine of how you like things done. Your plan will be reviewed regularly, and changes can be made if and when your needs or home environment change.
Personal care services can be from as little as 2 hours per week, right through to twice daily services - morning and evening, 7 days a week if required.